General Terms and Conditions of Use


These General Terms and Conditions are meant to define the ways in which the services of the website, hereafter "The Service," are made available, as well as the conditions of use of the Service by the User. Any access and/or use of the site constitutes an acknowledgement and unconditional acceptance of all of these Terms and Conditions. They are, therefore, a contract between and the User. If the User does not agree to all or part of these general terms and conditions, he or she is requested not to use the Service in any way.

Legal Disclaimers

The website is published by:


  • User: The User is any person who uses the Site or one of the services offered by the Site.
  • User Content: The term "User Content" designates data sent by the User to various areas of the Site.
  • Member: The term "Member" designates a User logged into the Site.
  • User Name: The term "user name" refers to all information needed for a user to log in to the site to access areas which are reserved for members.
  • Password: The "password" is private information which the User must keep secret, and which, in conjunction with his or her User name, is used to verify his or her identity.

Accessing the Service

The Service is accessible at no charge to any User with Internet access. Any costs related to accessing the Service, whether they be costs for hardware, software or Internet access, are solely the responsibility of the User. He or she alone is responsible for the proper functioning of his or her computing equipment as well as for his or her Internet access.

Intellectual Property

The website, and in particular its content, is protected by French law. and Hervé Schilling are the sole owners of all intellectual property rights relating to content on the site (including text, photographs, illustrations, images, logos, etc.).

Personal Data

  • on the site, in his profile page;
  • by using the provided contact form;
  • by contacting directly at the following address: Contact

Limitation of Liability

Hyperlinks includes hyperlinks to websites published and/or managed by third parties.

Force majeure shall not be held liable in the event of force majeure or any events outside its control.

Modifications to this Contract reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this contract at any time.

Duration and Dissolution

The contract is agreed to for an indefinite duration, beginning with Use of the Service by the User.

Personal data

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Our DPO is Hervé Schilling

You can contact him

Using the form
"Contact us" available at the bottom of the page or here Contact us
By email at

Methods of securing your data abides by key safety recommendations that may have evolved after this document was written.
  • The site is accessible only in SSL (encrypted communication protocol verifiable in the address bar of most browsers).
  • Sensitive data is encrypted in the database.
  • The user (or an explicitly authorized coach) only can access to the user information thanks to a cookie whose content is also encrypted.
  • A htaccess file secures exchanges and access to the site by prohibiting risky transactions (Allows only SSL transactionsm defines the Content Security Policy, prevents XSS and MIME attacks aso.).
  • Various security techniques such as the use of hash or third-party resource verification keys, escaping forms fields etc. are also used to avoid known attacks techniques of hackers does not trade or exchange any personal data with third parties.

We collect some necessary to the good run of our services:

Your email address
It is used to login to the website and is kept encrypted in your login cookie and in our database.
It is also used to contact you when needed (in case of data security alert) or at your request (newsletter, reminders, etc.)
Under no circumstances will it be shared with a third party.
Your first and last names
They are kept encrypted in our database but can be deleted or modified from the profile form without any further impact on the operation of the site.
Your postal address
It is transformed into geographical coordinates using the OpenStreetMap service.
In this exchange, we only send the postal address to OpenStreetMap. That is why we advise you not to include your surname.
It is transmitted anonymously to the geolocation service which in return sends us your longitude and latitude.
Your geographical coordinates
They are transmitted without any other personal information in order to preserve your anonymity.
The website and its services are free.

To sum up:

In third party services, we have

for Google Analytics and site attendance statistics.
for the conversion of postal addresses into geographical coordinates.
These services are likely to place cookies on your computer,or access and update’s cookie
This is why the cookie does not contain any nominative information (your encrypted login information only).

When it’s free, you are the product!

Not always, but a little bit. is a hobby for me. I would be happy to make a living from it, if that were possible. But this is not my priority.
You are part of the product: Let me explain. I do not and will never trade user data, it is a moto. I although refuse to display advertising on our pages because it is polluting the content and drove the idealistic Internet of the 1990s to the current Big Brother for Big Business mess.

Legal Jurisdiction

French law applies to the content and data transmission on and related to this website. The French language version of this Contract shall govern over any translation.
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